Just say no.
If you struggle with anxiety and setting boundaries, this is for you.
Saying “no” (whether it’s to your partner, your family, boss, your co-workers, your clients, even your employees) can be terrifying - and it might even feel as though it’s the actual source of our anxiety.
But did you know…
That the inability to say “no” to people is actually a trigger for anxiety?
If you allow people to take up more time/resources/space than you have to offer, the result can be to feel:
→ Overwhelmed
→ Frustrated
→ Irritated
→ Angry
This compounds when you’re already struggling with these emotions, and what you truly need is to create some space to care for yourself to start feeling better (in life and at work.)
Saying no to others can be essential so you can say yes to yourself.
To create the time and space to do things like:
→ Move your body
→ Prepare and eat healthy meals
→ Breathe
→ Rest
→ Play
If this was helpful, save it for when you need a little reminder.