Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash
Ah, the morning routine….such a popular topic and (quite frankly) so misunderstood.
After spending years figuring out how to create routines that work for me (and helping others do the same), I’ve learned some thoroughly invaluable lessons about how to get ‘er done, even with an irregular schedule (late nights, early mornings, traveling etc…)
Let’s bust open 3 morning routine myths that will change the way you set yourself up for the day.
Myth #1: There’s an ideal morning routine
Immediately no. Just like everything else, your morning routine needs to work for you, where you are in your life, right now. When you try to keep a routine that doesn’t fit into your life, it’s easy to fail, get discouraged, and stop doing it altogether.
Myth #2: It needs to look exactly the same every day
Nope! If you have 5 minutes one day and an hour the next, let your routine change with real life. Gather up a few core items as your must-haves and adjust the time spent on each, as needed. If every day is exactly not the same for you, how can your morning routine be exactly the same? When you make it flexible, your routine fits into whatever your morning looks like and - boom - day won.
Myth #3: A morning routine starts in the morning
Let me ask you this - what kinds of decisions is your morning brain making? Hit snooze? Blow off the workout? When you set yourself up the night before, you’re already halfway there.
• Want to drink water right when you wake up? Set a full bottle on your nightstand before bed.
• Want to exercise? Lay out your clothes the night for one less excuse for not doing the thing.
• Want to start journaling? Put your notebook by your bed so you can do it right when you wake up!
What gets in the way of your morning routine and how you can set yourself up for success?
DM me on Instagram or shoot me an email if you need a little guidance (I freaking love talking about this stuff.)